The Lives of Tao

A friend said last night that September is the season for reading. So I’m using that as a needed prod to get at it.

I picked this up at our local comicon this year. Sadly forgot to go back to get the author’s autograph but mayhap next year.

Music’s Universality

You’ve probably heard of “K-Pop”.

But do you know “K-Rock”?

Xdinary Heroes is a rock band, members born between ’98 and ’02, with a growing reputation for doing covers.

A month or so ago, they did their first fanmeeting. During which they performed a cover of ‘Welcome to the Black Parade’ by My Chemical Romance.

You can tell by watching them how much they like the song and are fully into playing it.

So if I may recommend…

Welcome to the Black Parade cover by Xdinary Heroes.

If I may recommend…

If you haven’t heard of Midst, then you should.

A space western told by, and between, three narrators.

Known collectively as Third Person, the narrators spin a tale with sound and music as well as with words. There is also additional content that can be looked at.

They started their second season last week, but the first season is 19 episodes between 13 to 30-some minutes and easily gotten thru. is the home. And like Third Person says, you’ll have to listen for yourself.


Daily writing prompt
What do you enjoy most about writing?

When I could do it, it was both the act of creating and the surprises.

The too neat turn of a phrase. Getting just the right expression down. Figuring out the just right way of saying something.

Hearing the words in my head, and having my fingers type something else. There are those who say you should keep the reins firmly in hand but I never had much issue just letting them slip.

I think I was better at not overthinking (or at least overthinking just enough).

A return

*sets the kettle to boil, then starts with the dusting*

*rearranges the furniture for a few new pieces*

*adds the sugar and the creamer as look everything over*

Been nearly two years since was last here. Came by to see if it was still standing. And see about moving back in.

There’s a little more of a plan this time. Posts on books reading, writing attempts, my Korean studying (yeah, started learning Korean since my last time), music to share.

We’ll see how it goes.

When the days run together, any day could be your birthday.

Or none of them.

I know those who pick a day every other moon phase to celebrate.

I don’t pick a day. Every now and then I feel older and I count that as enough of an acknowledgement and move on.

The ones who celebrate call me cheerless. That I am caught in the drudgery and should make the most of life.

I tell them that life is making the most of me and I can’t be bothered.

I don’t mind their celebrations. You’d think they’d return the favor.

But no. They have to ‘share’.

Only reason I learned their days is to avoid being around them. I just pick one of the days and ignore the rest. Only so many times you can have cake you don’t like anyway.

No one likes the reason why we’re this way now. But some of us were already half there.

I would never have wished for it to have started like it did. But I do enjoy the perks.

It will change back, some day. Won’t be the same as before, but people will do their damnedest to try and make it be.

And I’ll have the memories of the empty times to keep me going.

D&December 2019: Wizard’s Tower

For the Wizard’s Tower called them all.
Of the ones who came before, no mind was paid.
For each would prevail where others had fallen.
Each to make a legend.

And legend did they reach.
Bound to protect that which they sought to claim.
Avarice given purpose
And a single thought burns.

“What is not mine, shall never be yours.”

D&December 2019: Level 20

The smile was now theirs, as they had proved to the world their worth.
Their names were legend. Their deeds sung.
Coin they had, but did not need.
Always those who paid for the priviledge of their company.
The journey back to their home, so small and quiet now.
And the friendship held, grown even deeper.
Always would they be bonded.
Always together to remember the one lost.