Tea & Coffee 19

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Almost forgot how to get here.

One week til NaNo. Adapting The Count of Monte Cristo into a Western. And doing it journal style on an online blog. Should be interesting. Or disastrous, haven’t decided.

Not too much happening. Work about the same.

Oh, but don’t know if I told you. Last month started a meet up thing with friends of mine based on fandoms. Our first one was for Harry Potter and the one last week was for Supernatural. Just a way to geek out and talk about them. Hardest part is scheduling, of course. But we’ve had a decent start I think so we’ll see how it goes.

Let my drabble page on Facebook fall by the wayside, need to get that going. And need to read three books before the end of the year, which shouldn’t be a problem unless my laziness makes it one.

Really need to work on that laziness. Nasty business that.

Looking forward to Star Wars, of course. Had a bit of a headshake over all the nerds mad that they had to watch some football to see the new trailer. I like watching football, so if hadn’t been working, would have had no prob tuning in, despite my team not playing. But to hear them go on, would think they had to walk over hot coals.

The weather is cooling off. Think we’re down to the 80s or something. Gets down to 60s at night. Most of my friends are happy about that. They like the cold. Not me. Will be mourning the final passing of summer this year.

Might have to get the Welcome to Night Vale book, if can find it. I only have like the first twenty or so of the podcasts, need to get around to that as well. Found out Stephen Colbert is a fan so that’s fun.

We will have to meet more often. I shouldn’t let our meetings slip by so.

See what the other bloggers are sharing with their coffee.

3 thoughts on “Tea & Coffee 19

  1. I’m glad that it’s finally cooling down a bit here, though I wish it would stop raining…We’re getting rain-bands from Hurricane Patricia at the moment, but at least there’s no flooding.

    Hope you’re well, and hope you have a good week!


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